Tuesday 17 May 2016

How to Drink Water Using A Cup

How to Drink Water Using A Cup

In my previous posts, I talked about how to drink bottled water. In this post, I will tell you how to drink water using a cup. Once you know how to do so, you can apply these steps to drink water with a glass, as they are both done using the same method.

  • A cup
  • A bottle of water
  1. Place your cup on a flat surface.
  2. Open the bottle of water. You should have already learnt this from my previous posts.
  3. Then, slowly pour the bottle of water into the cup.
  4. Once the cup is nearly full, stop pouring water into it.
  5. Replace the bottle cap.
  6. Drink as much as you need. If you need more water, then repeat from step 2. 

How to Use Google

How to Use Google

  • A computer with an internet connection
  • A web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome)

  1. Turn on your computer.
  2. Find the icon for the web browser.
  3. Double-click the icon.
  4. Type "https://www.google.com" in the address bar on top of the web browser. Skip this step if you are already in "https://www.google.com".
  5. Type what you want to search / find on the internet in the search bar located below the word "Google".
  6. Click the search button. Alternatively, press "Enter".
  7. Find whichever website you want to visit. Then, click on it

Sunday 15 May 2016

How to Drink Bottled Water

Before I start, there is something i want to say. If I'm not wrong, we had homework in English class. The homework was to write at least one procedural text on our blog. If so, then here is my first one:

How To Drink Bottled Water:

What You Need:
  • A bottle of water

  1. Grab the bottle of water with your left hand.
  2. Place your right hand on the cap of the bottle, then grab it.
  3. Twist your right hand in a counter-clockwise direction until the lid is removed.
  4. Using your left hand, insert half of the mouth of the bottle into your mouth.
  5. Lift the bottle until the water inside of it starts to flow into your mouth. Drink as much as you need.
  6. Once finished, place the bottle on a flat surface.
  7. Replace the cap by twisting your hand in a counter-clockwise direction.

Congratulations! You have successfully drank bottled water. I hope this procedural text helped you. I also hope my instructions were clear enough for you to understand.

Sunday 21 February 2016

The Golden Cow

Before I get started, I can write about anything, right? Even short stories like the one I am about to tell? If not, just let me know as soon as possible. I'll write something else. Anyway, enjoy my story.

Once upon a time, there was a boy who lived in a very poor family. His name was Bob and he lives in a countryside. Bob only lived with his mother. His father moved to a city faraway to work, but he was never heard of ever since. Even though they were very poor, they still lived happily. 

Bob and his mother owned a farm. That farm is the main source of food for their family. Every morning, Bob had to wake up very early. Then, he had to collect eggs from the hen and milk the cows before having breakfast. Later, he would ride his rusty bike to school. Life was perfect for him.

One day, when Bob was milking the cows, he spotted something unusual. He saw a bright gold cow, as bright as a light bulb. He slowly approached it and the cow suddenly talked in words! Bob screamed so loudly, his mother woke up. The cow, being able to speak, tried to calm Bob down. Five minutes later, the screaming abruptly stopped.

The golden cow will not reveal how he came to be. Otherwise, he would become a regular cow. Bob asked why that was such a big deal. The cow told Bob that it can grant a wish every day. Bob was also told to use this power only when he really needs something. The cow lastly commanded Bob to keep this a secret, otherwise all the wishes will be reverted. Bob agreed to guard this secret with all his life.

For the first few weeks, everything was fine. Bob needed school supplies and the cow happily granted that wish. During these weeks, Bob's wishes were sensible. However, it didn't stay like that forever.

During the next few weeks, Bob's wishes started becoming slightly out of hand. He wished for unnecessary things like a new gaming console, a HD TV and a high speed internet connection. Bob clearly did not know how to control his power.

Then, Bob went mad. He wished for a gold limousine, a large mansion and the ability to shoot lasers from his eyes. The golden cow has had enough with Bob's silly wishes. One night, the cow blew up. BANG!

Bob rushed to the barn. Much to his disappointment, the golden cow was nowhere to be seen. He looked around, and everything went back to the way it used to be. Bob did not cry, wanting the cow to come back. He realised his mistake. His foolishness is what made this happen. Bob then promised himself not to make the same mistake again.

The next morning, it was business as usual. Bob had to accept the consequences. Before Bob went to school, the door knocked. Much to his suprise, it was his father! Bob almost didn't recognised him. Bob's father said his appearance was like magic, and deep down, Bob knew that the arrival of his father was the work of the golden cow. After that, everyone lived happily ever after.

The End

Monday 18 January 2016

My Experiences

Today, I will write about my experiences in school. I was born here in Yogyakarta. My preschool was in Yogyakarta. My primary school was somewhere far away (I'll talk about that later) and here I am, back in Yogyakarta. Let's just say that my experiences were unique.

In my early years, I lived in Yogyakarta. My preschool was near my house, which meant I can go to school riding a bike. That was a very long time ago, and I can't remember much of what happened in my preschool. Right now, I only remember a few of my friends, a few activities done there and also what the preschool looked like. One thing is for sure, I had fun there. Then, my life changed.

I loved living in Yogyakarta. Everything is cheap, everything can be bought easily, and most importantly, everything is cheap. I didn't want to leave Yogyakarta, especially for a long time. Unfortunately, that is what I had to do. Little did I know, a life-changing, unforgettable adventure was ahead of me.

My family had to move to Africa, Western Africa to be more specific. My dad works in a mining company there and he decided that the whole family should move there. I was excited, but at the same time nervous. When we got there, we were given a house and there was an international school nearby for me and my brother to go too. That was where I spent most of my primary school years.

Now I'll talk about that school and my experiences in it. I was full of feelings and emotions. Never before have I met many different kinds of people . They were like aliens to me. Different people from different races and different countries, all in this one school. Of course, all their parents (including mine) worked for the same mining company. Inside me, I was like "Wow".

The teachers, who were also multicultural, were very friendly. No teachers were hated by any students. Everyone in school were also very friendly to me. I knew very little English back then, so sometimes I didn't know what to say to others. I thought that I wouldn't be very smart, but I later proved myself wrong.

The years passed, and eventually, my grades raised. I was in first grade, then I was in second, and before I knew it, I was in the grade above. There were so many fun activities to do. My English eventually became better. I found it much easier to speak to friends in English. Since I learned English ever since I was very little, English feels like my first language. Indonesian, despite being my actual first language, was only spoken within my family. When I learned grammar, reading and writing, I learned it in English. That is why my English is better than my Indonesian.

I was settling in Africa. It felt like my home. That is when I had to move to my actual home. My dad no longer works for that mining company, which meant my family had to go back to Indonesia. My older brother is finishing high school in an international school in Bali, so my parents thought it would be good if I learned in the same school. Even though I wasn't back in Yogyakarta yet, it still felt nice to return to Indonesia.

I only spent a year in that school. I was in sixth grade and my older brother was in twelfth grade. It felt weird to meet new friends and I found it hard to settle in. At least everyone was friendly. I was a quick learner and even though the assignments became harder, I still managed to keep up. I was beginning to settle there, and that was when I had to move.

This time, I was moving back to my hometown, Yogyakarta. Every school here had a curriculum where students graduate in the middle of the year. All of my previous schools had a curriculum where students graduate at the end of the year. I do not want to do any maths here, so let's just say that Yogyakarta is where I am going to study, starting from seventh grade.

Right now, as I type this, I am in SMP Budi Utama. I just moved in here, so I don't have much experiences here. One of my challenges is having to study in Indonesian, instead of English. Like before, everyone seems friendly. With the right preparations, I should be able to adapt to this school. Who knows what adventure lies ahead of me?

Wednesday 6 January 2016

First Post

First post in my new blog (yaayy!). I already know how to speak English fluently and that's it, I guess. Here's a picture of a cat to celebrate